Today the weather is perfect. This is the fall weather that I love so much. I always look forward to this time of year. This year it is extra special because it was brought on by our beautiful baby Finn! The past couple weeks have been a serious blur and it already feels like Finn has been with us forever. It has been a new challenge for us to get used to having two kids who are in school and a newborn but I think that we are doing just fine and everyone is adapting really well. Autumn and Deegan love their new baby brother and both of them love to help when they can. They love to kiss and cuddle with him and they constantly tell him how much they love him. It is a beautiful thing to see my family love each other so much. I want us to always be this close and loving with eachother, just like I have always been with my family. We went to the Live Oak Pumpkin Patch in Yucaipa (which is always awesome!) and the kids picked out a few pumpkins.

The kids had lots of fun and it was nice and not busy at all! Autumn has another loose tooth that is going to fall out anytime now. This will be the third tooth that she has lost and she is so excited for another tooth fairy visit!
I hope everyone is enjoying this fall weather as much as I am!
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