Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Time Is Flying

I was just thinking today that time seems to be flying by at an amazing speed!  It certainly doesn't feel like I have been pregnant for the last 8 months.  I don't think that it has completely set in that we are going to soon be a family of 5.  We are going to have 3 kids!!  That seriously boggles my mind.  This pregnancy has been a little different from the other two.  I don't feel as "pregnant" as I did with my first two.  I haven't really limited myself to the things that I am able to do.  I mean I have two young kids so how am I really supposed to sit around all day and do nothing.  Just last month we remodeled our trailer and I was in there laying linoleum and painting cabinets. (Don't worry it was well ventilated!)  I will still go out for a hike or take a ride on my bike. (not it this psychotic heat though!)  In the beginning of my pregnancy I was super sick and I lost about 15 pounds which I was NOT complaining about!  Since then I have not gained any weight at all.  My measurements have been right on and Finn is definitely growing I am just not gaining anything.  Again I am NOT complaining!  My doctor says that it is fine as long as the baby is growing and I am measuring correctly.  My eating habits have definitely changed since I was so sick in the beginning.  I get full really fast and I do not eat nearly as much as I used to.  If I try and force myself to finish my meal I will make myself nauseous which I will then proceed to throw it all up!  Most of the times the kids can eat more than I do.  In just 8 weeks I will be full term and we will be welcoming our Finn Elias to our family and I cannot wait!!  I feel like he is the last little missing piece to complete our family and we can't wait to meet the little guy who kicks all day long!  He is already a little feisty guy!

Here are few Instagram pics from the past few weeks.

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