Sunday, June 3, 2012

Boy Friendly Swing

Since we found out that we are having a boy I have really cracked down and figuring out what we are going to do since everything that we currently have is for a girl.  After Deegan grew out of all of his baby stuff we got rid of everything.  We figured that since most of the stuff that we used for him was from Autumn if we ever decided to have another baby we would just get new things.  One of my cousins was getting rid of things from her baby girl so we decided to get them even though at the time we didn't know if the baby was going to be a girl or a boy.  So now we have plenty of girl things and not so much boy things.  But I would not let this deter me.  I really like the swing that I have so I decided to just "redo" the cover of it and make it more boy friendly.  

This is what the swing looked like before.

So I took the cover off and got out my seam ripper and started taking it apart.

Once I got the center piece out I used my seam ripper to take the pink fabric off of the padding.  I still wanted it to be padded so just used what it had underneath.  I had picked out some fabric online at  (I LOVE this site!)  They do lots of sales so if you keep an eye on the site you can get really good deals!  I used the piece of padding as a template for the fabric that I needed to cut out.

Then I sewed the edges of the fabric and padding and reattached the seat belt and made the belt holes. 

Then all I had left to do was sew the whole thing back together.  The first time I did it I stepped back and looked and the whole thing was off center and crooked!  I was so mad and I had to take the whole thing apart again.  The second time I was paying better attention and made sure everything came together even.  

It came out perfect and I love the chevron stripes!  Now I just need to make some plush mustaches for the mobile and get some boyish teethers for the toy bar.

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