Wednesday, August 7, 2013
It's been awhile..
This poor little blog has been neglected. I blame it on all of the busy that has been going on over here. Also for the first time in a long time I have been feeling uninspired. It is awful. This summer is flying by and in a little over three weeks the kids will be back in school. I hate when they are gone all day. So just to give a little update on some things that have been going on over here we have been working on doing some updates on our "new" to us motor home. We will going on a short camping trip in a couple weeks and we have been busy putting in new flooring and giving everything a fresh coat of paint. It has been hard finding the time and money to put into this project. My parents have been extremely helpful throughout the whole thing, they are also completely renovating an older motor home! I cant wait for our camping trip the kids are so excited! So I hope to be back soon to spend more time on this little blog I hope everyone has a great day!